A Delicate Balance

A Delicate Balance

Official site : adelicatebalance.com.au

IMDB : imdb.com/title/tt1337606

Wikipedia : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Delicate_Balance_-_The_Truth

Youtube channel : youtube.com/adelicatebalancefilm


Recommended Reading

A Delicate Balance ebook : adelicatebalance.tv/buy/buy-ebook.html
- Aaron Scheibner

The China Study : thechinastudy.com
- T. Colin Campbell PhD and Thomas M. Campbell II

Silent Spring : silent-spring.com
- Rachel Carson


Recommended Films

to come...


Film Quotes

"An animal-based diet accelerates and promotes cancer progression, whereas a plant-based diet slows down or reverses cancer progression" - Narration, A Delicate Balance

"Countries that consume cows milk and its products also have the highest fracture rate and the worst bone health" - Narration, A Delicate Balance

"the study suggests that fish consumption does not improve heart health or improve heart disease“ - Narration, A Delicate Balance - referring to a study published in the American Journal of Cardiology

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